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How do I know I am giving enough oxygen to my child?

“Sat” Monitors
An oxygen saturation (“sat”) monitor (pulse oximetry) needs a doctor’s prescription. A “sat” or oximeter probe is put somewhere on the hand or foot — often a toe or finger. The monitor alarms when the blood oxygen level or heart rate drops. “Sat” monitors can be used all the time or for quick checks. They can record use and alarms and those records can be sent to your doctor. These are useful tools to check to see your child is receiving enough oxygen. However, “Sat” monitors alarm when the blood oxygen level or heart rate drops, but they also alarm when they have lost their signal (like if the probe is moved).

Posey pulse oximeter probe wraps secure many styles of flexible optical transducers and probe sensors without adhesive tape. Poseys are also great for securing oxygen tubing away from tiny grabbing hands of infants.

Some doctors are hesitant to prescribe saturation monitors because they feel full time monitoring causes more anxiety with the alarms than it actually helps. It is true that these monitors can falsely alarm when the child moves around if contact is lost with the probe for brief periods. However, many parents feel a sense of comfort having a pulse oximetry probe for spot checks. As a result, you may need to discuss this with your physician to see if he/she will provide a prescription.