The Power of Families
The chILD Foundation’s first initiative is to provide support, education, and a community forum for families so they can provide the best care for their children.
A Warm Welcome to New Families
You are among friends here. While none of us chose this path, it is easier to find your way with the guidance and support of others. We have experienced many of the same highs and lows that you will feel. We will try to help you find answers and support to help you and your child through this journey. Please register with the foundation here so we can learn more about you and your family.
Family Education Days
We support Family Education Days where local families and doctors gather to share current information on chILD. You can speak with experts in chILD disorders. It is also a place for the family to come and meet other families who may share common experiences. The connections and knowledge from these conferences are invaluable!
If you are interested in hosting a Family Education at your chILD center, apply to our Family Education Grant Program here.
Family Event Grants
We support local events where families can get together to support each other. This does not have to be educational. A strong community of support is important for both patients and their caregivers. If you have an idea for a local event we can support, apply for Local Event Grant support here.
Help with finding a chILD Expert
We can help you find the nearest chILD center or pediatric pulmonologist (lung doctor) near you. We can also help with doctors in the chILD Research Network who can consult with your local doctor to help diagnose or treat chILD. Click here to find a chILD specialist.
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where we will post announcements and updates.
For our UK Families
A UK-based non-profit called the chILD Lung Foundation can help provide support to those families across the pond. Please visit them at chILD Lung Foundation.