There are many ways to get involved and make a difference!
How to get Involved
The chILD Foundation community is constantly growing, adding new families, medical professionals, volunteers, and organizations around the country. In addition to monetary contributions, there are other ways to participate in our important mission, including fundraising, sponsoring events, or even starting a local chapter of the chILD Foundation in your community.
Whatever your interest, we would love to have your help. It all starts by raising your hand and letting us know you are there, so please register today.
How Your Donation Helps
- Research Grants: We work with organizations like the American Thoracic Society to offer research grants to further discovery in the chILD disorders. Whenever possible we partner with grant programs that will match our research grant dollar for dollar to make the greatest impact with each donated dollar.
- Conferences and Education: Presenting research breakthroughs to the medical community and providing guidance for families affected by chILD are both essential for gaining momentum toward improved diagnostic procedures, treatments and cures. Your donations help pay for research reports, educational materials, seminars and medical conferences.