A Local Family Event Grant provides financial support for chILD patients and families to implement new initiatives, programs and activities at the local level, which are meant to provide opportunities for families to interact and connect with others in the community. The events or programs can be either social or educational in nature and can take any form.
Guidelines and Suggestions
- Any kind of event, activity or initiative can benefit from local activity funding.
- Funding can be used for space rental, event tickets, food, and/or non-alcoholic beverages.
- The event and food costs per person must be pre-approved.
- Funding for these events can only be used for direct costs of the events. Local sponsorship to offset costs is strongly encouraged.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Any group of chILD patients or families can submit a funding request provided that it has chILD patients, families or caregivers as their target audience. It is also encouraged to have either a Foundation board member, chILDRN member, a local physician or PAC member involved in planning or attending the event.
- Estimated funding requests must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the event is scheduled to take place. Funding requests submitted less than 4 weeks prior to the event will not be reviewed, and funding will not be granted unless previously arranged with the chILD Foundation.
- Funding will only be granted if supported by final expense reports, number of attendees, and completeness of follow-up materials. Should your funding be initially approved, you will have to submit follow-up documents after the event takes place (see details below).
- Please be aware that funding is typically issued after the event takes place and the required follow-up materials are received except in the following conditions:
- If funding is needed to secure deposits or pay for costs prior to or on the day of event, please include the details in your funding request.
- Direct payment to the venue or vendors on the day of the event is pre-arranged.
- The chILD Foundation reserves the right to request documentation to prove the costs of events before approving funding.
- The Foundation encourages local family/patient social and fundraising events throughout the year. Funding for multiple events during the year will be based on, among other factors, the nature and purpose of the event, anticipated outcomes and family/patient attendance.
- In order to benefit from chILD Foundation funding, the local group applying for funding must use the correct chILD Foundation branding. Promotional materials must be reviewed by the Foundation prior to release
Follow up Material Requirements
Initial approval does not necessarily mean that you will receive the funds if adequate documentation is not submitted in a timely manner. You will need to provide the following materials to the chILD Foundation within 4 weeks after the event takes place:
- A one-page summary of the event to include a description of the event and its outcomes including:
- Number of attendees (divided according to patient, caregivers/parents, physicians and other medical professionals).
- Program description and feedback.
- Impact of event (presence of any significant participants/speakers, partnerships or collaborations with other patients or physician groups, and any advertising including (local media, social media posts, etc)
- Final budget. Please include both the estimated budget compared to actual cost on one spreadsheet with all receipts.
- Attendance list including full name of participants (first name, last name) and email.
- Digital copies of photos or videos from the event, if any with appropriate family releases. The Foundation reserves the right to post the event images on the Foundation’s website.
- Copies of all advertising materials used (flyers, posters, email invitations etc.)
- Copies of any photo or liability waivers from the event
Groups that fail to submit the required follow-up materials within 4 weeks after the event takes place may not be eligible for reimbursement
How to apply
- Download the information packet and submission form.
- Please fill in all required fields in the submission form and provide a descriptive title for your event.
- Make sure the information you enter is as accurate as possible!
- Send the completed pdf to the info@child-foundation.org
- The chILD Foundation will contact you within 14 working days to inform you of the final decision with further instructions.